Secretary’s Corner – January 16

This week was a busy week for me. I’m finishing up my first semester of my last year of high school, which means tests and more tests. I had my biggest and hardest exam on Tuesday, and though I thought it went well, it reminded me how small my perspective is.

I was sitting there, my hand quavering as my brain raced through possible complex sentences (I write like a novelist, short and punchy, which is great, but essays and novels are a wee bit different). Then it struck me, this test is so little compared to the grand scheme of things. Sure, it’s the biggest, hardest test in high school, but if I flunked it, (not that I think I did) God can still use me. My worth is not dependent on grades, despite what my perfectionistic tendencies tell me.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try my best, either. I should do just that: my best, without feeling like the world will end if I don’t get a certain grade.

All this to say, our perspective is tiny. We are stuck within the laws of time and space. We will never be able to understand everything on this ticking time-bomb of a planet. But maybe that’s something to be thankful for. We don’t have to know everything. We can learn. We have the greatest Teacher. We might as well let Him teach us.

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