Children & Parents

These children’s ministries are here to entertain, instruct, build, and love children, setting down in them a strong foundation of faith. Equally important are parents, who need to recharge regularly and acquire the appropriate tools to instruct and grow their family. We take a family-centered approach to spirituality that focuses on the unique gifts of all age groups.

Our Programs

Coffee Time

Monday mornings from 10:00am-12:00am. We host coffee in the basement. Come for coffee, snacks, and fellowship with other parents while the kids play. Specific dates will be provided in our bulletin regularly.

DMC Hockey Club

DMC Hockey Club is a fun hockey club for children ages 4-15. We offer an opportunity for children to learn hockey skills and technique in a Christian environment. The club runs from late October until March.

Duchess Mennonite Church Hockey Club was designed to be an affordable option for parents wanting their children to learn the game of hockey. It also provides children with the opportunity to play challenging hockey without the time and travel commitments. Our desire is that nothing would be a hindrance to children learning to play. If the registration fee and costs of equipment are a hindrance to your joining the club, please notify the coach, and we will do our best to provide assistance.

For more information, see the DMC Hockey Club Facebook Group or contact the church office.

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered at the same time as the Adult Sunday School @ 9:30am.

The children meet in various classrooms around the building.  It is for pre-school, kindergarten – Gr. 2, Gr. 3&4, and Gr. 5&6, and youth (Gr.7 and up).  On break till further notice!

Kid’s Church

Children are dismissed to go downstairs during the service after a children’s offering and prayer.  This is at approximately 10:45 AM. Like most DMC activities, the Kid’s Church ministry is run by volunteers committed to providing a fun, age-appropriate biblical lesson for children during the sermon. Kid’s Church is available for all children ages 5-12 (Kindergarten – Grade 5).


The attended nursery is available during the Sunday morning service starting at 10:45 AM (Nursery kids are dismissed during the service along with the Kid’s church dismissal).  The nursery is downstairs and for ages 1-5. There is a nursery on the main level and a nursery with a service view upstairs as well, but these nurseries are for parents to attend with their children.


Vacation Bible School at Duchess Mennonite is a 4 day event (typically in July) concluding with a BBQ for the entire family. Children ages 5 – 12 are welcome to attend the free ministry, which includes crafts, games, songs, and learning about God, all wrapped up in a fun and exciting theme for the week. We look forward to showing and sharing God’s love to the children of Duchess every year! It’s never dull!


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