In our women’s programs, women meet with other women to share common ground and fellowship with one another.
Our Programs
The WMSC (Women’s Missionary Service Commission) at the Duchess Mennonite Church is commonly referred to as the Sewing Circle, as many quilts are churned out of the hands of this group. They put together relief kits for MCC aid, and send quilts and baking to the Annual MCC Sale to raise funds for MCC’s Relief work. Meetings: Wednesdays at 9:30 AM, bring a bag lunch except for the first Wednesday of the month. They usually take a break during July and August.
MCC Thrift Store Volunteering
Every third Friday of the month, women from WMSC travel to Calgary to volunteer for the day, sorting at the MCC Thrift Store.
Women’s Conference
The Northwest Mennonite Conference’s Women’s Conference is usually held in May every year. Keep posted for more information. You can contact the NWMC office here.
Coffee Time
Coffee Time is on break until further notice.