Welcome to Leading Life-Changing Groups

As leaders of community groups, it is our desire to see that leader are being intentional about building a community of disciples. Disciples are followers of Christ who seek to obey his teachings and to imitate his way of life. Leaders have a growing personal relationship with Christ and participate with DMC in the mission of Christ.
Mission of Christ: Oneness – John 17:11-26
His central focus is for his creation to become a community that enjoys his presence, demonstrates his love and services his purposes in the world, both present and future.
Guidelines for making disciples using the structure of small groups
- Make disciples through intentional relationships – caring, sharing and challenging
- Groups have a defined purpose that creates an environment for discipleship.
- Leaders are personally growing and accountable.
Leaders need resources to build a community of disciples.
Below are some resources that will help you on your journey:

Real Life Discipleship is a great read with sports examples of coaching. It includes information on being an intentional leader, creating a relational environment that has a reproducible process to develop disciples. It has explains 5 stages of a disciple’s growth and how to encourage disciples from any stage to grow. Practical information on growing disciples.
Spirit of the Disciplines Podcast

Sharing the Joy we have in Christ Podcast by Tim Keller

Communicator, author, and pastor, Andy Stanley founded Atlanta-based North Point Ministries in 1995. Today, NPM is comprised of six churches in the Atlanta area and a network of more than 70 churches around the globe that collectively serve nearly 118,000 people weekly.
Great monthly podcasts with download about guides.

Alpha – Do you have group members asking basic foundational Questions?
Alpha is a step-by-step guide to the basics of the Christian faith. Great resource for helping your group members reach out to others seeking answers to faith.

The Emotionally Healthy Leader by Pete Scazzero is a challenging and insightful look at leading from an emotionally healthy place. Great insight into examining how you’re leading from your past, the importance of Sabbath, and boundaries. Weekly podcasts also available www.emotionallyhealthy.org.
Pete Scazzero is the founder of New Life Fellowship Church in Queens, New York City, a large, multiracial church with more than seventy-three countries represented. After serving as senior pastor for twenty-six years, Pete now serves as a teaching pastor/pastor at large. He is the author of The Emotionally Healthy Leader and two bestselling books: The Emotionally Healthy Church and Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. He is also the co-author of The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course and The Emotionally Healthy Relationships Course.

The 3 Colors of Your Spirituality –NCD Discipleship Resource
Join a 5 week discussion group to find out how you most naturally connect with God. Knowing how you connect with God and helping other connect to God is a great way to impact your small group. This group will be working through the book “3 Colors of Your Spirituality” and using a Spiritual style test.
Group available on request
Books (including online test) can be ordered from NCD Canada at
Natural Church Development Resources
Great resources on church growth.
· The 3 Colors of Spirituality— How do you connect with God
· The 3 Colors of Ministry—identifying and developing spiritual gifts
· The 3 Colors of Love—discovering fruits of the spirit
· The 3 Colors of Leadership—twelve principles of leadership
· The 3 Colors of Community— seven qualities of a healthy small group
· Color your World with Natural church development
— Eight qualities of a healthy church
For more information contact a Community Group Coach.